Funding for Adult Stem Cells Reaches Close Vote in Texas -- Call your Rep. to support!
Yesterday, the Texas Senate passed SB 73 by Sen. Jane Nelson (R-Lewisville) to create an Adult Stem Cell Research Consortium in Texas. The bill will advance and commercialize adult stem cell research and treatments already being performed at more than 30 locations in Texas, helping to create high-paying jobs and attract top researchers to the state.
With less than two weeks before the State Legislature session ends, the bill still has to be approved by the Texas House of Representatives in order to become a law.
"This bill puts patients first," says Joe Pojman, Ph.D., the executive director of Texas Alliance for Life."We commend Lieutenant Governor Dewhurst, Senator Nelson, and the Texas Senate. They are moving the state beyond the ethical and practical problems of using embryonic stem cells into the promising world of adult stem cell treatments that have already saved thousands of lives."
"Because adult stem cells treatments are highly effective and do not harm the donor, we strongly support the state's continued investment in this promising medical technology. No treatments are available using embryonic stem cells," Pojman adds.
Texas Alliance for Life has produced a series of four videos in support of SB 73 that feature Texans successfully treated in Texas using adult stem cells. Their conditions include sickle cell anemia, heart disease, cancer, and debilitating joint injury.
UT Swimmer Competing in Record Time After Injury Thanks to Adult Stem Cells
Leukemia-Free for Ten Years Thanks to Adult Stem Cells!
Heart attack victim healed by Adult stem cells
Adult stem cells cure Dallas boy of sickle cell anemia
Do something! Call your Texas State Representative and tell them that you want them to support SB 73. Don’t know your Rep? Use your zip code to look them up at .
Sample phone or email message: My name is ________. I live at ________. I am a constituent, and I want Representative _________ to support SB 73.
Taking two minutes to make a phone call could help save the lives of hundreds of Texans!
Chronicling the Work of the Catholic Pro-Life Committee
Bizarre Quote
"A slide toward the overturn of Roe vs. Wade is a thought every bit as chilling as images of partial-birth abortion." ~ From editorial in the Dallas Morning News, April 24