Sex Book for Children
American Life League releases video report on children's sex book

WASHINGTON, D.C. · November 19, 2007 / PRNewswire / – "Parents need to know what Planned Parenthood has in store for their children and this report is an excellent starting point," said Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League. "The book 'It's Perfectly Normal' is obscene and offensive to Christians."

American Life League's second video report exposes the contents of the book "It's Perfectly Normal." Recently, a Washington State Prison rejected a fundraising letter that included censored images from the book for being "sexually explicit" and "obscene."

American Life League released the report as a part of its continuing effort to educate the public on Planned Parenthood's activities.

"This video report is just the beginning," said Sedlak. "We will continue to use this new media to expose the nation's largest abortion chain and we call on Christians across the nation to join us in putting a stop to tax payer funds for Planned Parenthood."

For the truth about Planned Parenthood, check out these related links:

Protect Your Children - exposing Planned Parenthood's war on childhood innocence: http://www.clmagazine.org/backissues/2006mayjune_30-33protectyourchildren.pdf

Sign our petition to end tax funding for Planned Parenthood: http://www.stopplannedparenthoodtaxfunding.com/

Get the Wednesday STOPP Report: http://www.all.org/stopp/report.htm

Help us continue with these releases: https://secure.entango.com/donate/L28th6e4EnB

See the ad information that a Washington State Prison rejected: http://www.all.org/db_file/1050.pdf

Please, do not watch this with children present.


Bella Premier in Dallas
The Catholic Pro-Life Committee sponsored more than 10 theatres for opening weekend (October 26-28) for Bella and as a result of our efforts, Bella lead actor Eduardo Verastegui came to Dallas to talk to the crowds and participate in the fun.

The Cinemark 17 put on a red carpet event for Eduardo and Bella. Here is the theatre manager rolling out the carpet.

The crowd gathers as Eduardo pulls up to the theatre:

Eduardo on the red carpet:

More fans try to get in to see Eduardo close up

Eduardo gets mobbed:

Once he made it inside, Eduardo and Bella Executive Producer Sean Wolfington spoke to the crowds after each showing. Here they are talking to area college students we had reserved the theatre for. Students from Southern Methodist University, the University of Dallas and UNT were in attendance.

The next day, Bella director Alejandro Monteverde flew in to talk to the Sunday crowds. Here he shares the stage with CPLC Executive Director Karen Garnett:

My favorite Eduardo picture:

Fear given into guarantees defeat
During the American Civil War, the Northern Army (the Union) under a succession of generals suffered a series of military defeats at the hands of General Robert E. Lee, who is widely considered one of the most effective generals America has ever produced. His campaigns are still studied in today's military academies.

One of the reasons Lee was so effective was because the northern Generals, one after another, were terrified of him and constantly worried about where he would show up next or what dramatic move he would pull. Their inability to accomplish anything was caused by their constant knee-jerk reaction to the slightest thing Lee did, or even seemed to do.

That is until Ulysses Grant was appointed General-in Chief of the Union Armies and took control of the Army of the Potomac, the army that directly faced Lee. Grant's staff drove him crazy with their constant concerns about what Lee would do next until finally exasperated, he said to them, "I'm sick of hearing about what Lee is going to do. From now on, we will only discuss what we are going to do and we will let him (Lee) worry about us."

It was a magic turn of events. From that point on it was Grant who held the upper hand and within 13 months he had forced Lee to surrender, marking the end of the war.

I was reminded of this when I read about Texas Governor Rick Perry endorsing Rudy Giuliani for President at a roundtable meeting of business men and women in Iowa:

"When a woman at the business roundtable asked what she should tell those who oppose Mr. Giuliani because he's been divorced twice, Mr. Perry said, "I would look them in the face and say, President Hillary."

Fear given into guarantees defeat, but it's even worse when principle is sacrificed to make room for something no one really wants. Are there no pro-life candidates who can put fear into their opponents the way Hillary is doing right now?


Archbishop Naumann sums it up nicely
Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City writes a succinct article on the political responsibility of Catholics especially as it relates to the life issues. This is good reading to prepare for the 2008 elections. The Archbishop also podcasts his regular column "Life Will be Victorious."

One thing to note: When the Archbishop talks about the tradition in the Church in America of clergy not running for office, it does not mean that the Church should have no voice at all in politics. Quite the opposite. All Christians should vigorously voice their opinions and get involved however they can in the political process.

Too many times we hear the mantra of "separation of church and state" and people back off, thinking that their involvement somehow violates a sacred and unalterable idea. Scared to continue further, they disengage from the political process and write it off as something that cannot be changed.

This of course is the goal of those who oppose the Church and all she stands for. The Second Vatican Council stated clearly though that the "the member who fails to make his proper contribution to the development of the Church must be said to be useful neither to the Church nor to himself." (Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity, para. 2)

If the Church does not exist to be a leaven and to effect change in accord with the good of the human person, especially in the political realm, then she is no good at all. Politics has the ability to effect the good in a way that other institutions cannot and so demands an effort from the Church and her laity in a way that is not needed for other institutions.

Are you involved?
