We’re in full-on
Bishop’s 17th Annual Catholic Pro-Life Dinner mode here at the CPLC office. It’s pretty much all Bishop’s Dinner-all-the-time until the Saturday, April 10 dinner fundraiser is over. So, if the blog postings seem a bit scant in the next six weeks, you know why.
We’re doing more Facebook posting at our
Catholic Pro-Life Committee Facebook Fan page. (Thank you to our 632 fans.)
You can get your fix of the latest news on abortion, the pro-life movement and the Catholic Church at these awesome sites.
news sites
http://www.jillstanek.com/http://www.catholicvoteaction.org/americanpapist/index.phphttp://www.creativeminorityreport.com/pro-life advocacy organizations
http://liveaction.org/http://www.all.org/http://www.nrlcJust wanted to take this time to say thanks for making this journey with us, and keep praying for healing for our country and the upholding of the dignity of life. Have a joyfully sorrowful fourth Friday of Lent!