A large group of
Youth for Life youth left yesterday to join hundreds of thousands of pro-life supporters at the 2010
National March for Life in Washington, D.C. We’ll have a full report when they get back.
Keep Youth for Life Director Jacquelyn Smith and all the chaperones and youth in your prayers that they have a safe return and be ready to spread the message of life that they receive.
Here’s a little bit about the March for those of you who are relatively new (which includes me) to the pro-life movement.
“Specifically, the event is a condemnation of the 1973 Supreme Court decisions of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton that, together, ushered in an era of abortion on demand that has resulted in more than 50 million abortions and tens of millions of women injured physically and emotionally.
This year, for the first time ever, organizers of the March for Life also plan a White House protest.
They will hold a two-hour rally the night before the March for Life at Lafayette Park, across from the White House, in an attempt to show strong opposition to the pro-abortion record of President Barack Obama.
Although the March for Life is an ecumenical event, the Catholic Church and Catholic pro-life groups will be sponsoring a variety of events.”
Read the entire article at