Live from the March: Pro-choice student laments that killing babies not ‘a very hip issue’ with peers
This is an interesting column from one of the mainstream media. Robert McCartney of The Washington Post covered the March. He admits to being pro-Roe but also gives fair coverage to the thousands of pro-life activists that went to March for Life in Washington, D.C. last week.

The whole column is worth a read, but here’s a good chunk about who is gaining momentum and who is having trouble getting more than 100 people to show up.

“…I was especially struck by the large number of young [pro-life] people among the tens of thousands at the march. It suggests that the battle over abortion will endure for a long time to come…

Activists who support abortion rights [pro-aborts] conceded that there's less energy among young people on their side of the debate.

‘Unfortunately, I feel my generation is a little complacent,’ said Amanda Pelletier, 20, co-director of the abortion rights group at American University. ‘It just doesn't seem to be a very hip issue.’"

Yeah, sorry to break it to you, Amanda, but killing babies is so last season. This article from Lifenews.com confirms the observation that more young people (below the age of 30) are pro-life than pro-abortion.

The tides are a turnin’ my friends. We know we’re on the right side. Keep on keeping on!

Exit question: Have you prayed for the conversion of an abortion supporter today?

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