‘The Greatest Pro-Life Story Ever Told’
Merry belated Christmas! It’s almost a week ago that we celebrated Christmas, hopefully with friends and family, or at least people that we like a little bit. Since we’re still in the Christmas liturgical season, which ends Epiphany Sunday, Jan. 3, I wanted to take a moment and remember the greatest pro-life story ever told.

Consider Mary, an unmarried teenager who found herself pregnant in a time when a scandal like that would earn her a death by stoning. Amid pressure from her family and community, she has faith, keeps the baby, and the rest is our grateful and joyful history.

If you want more pro-life Christmas reflection, here’s an excerpt from the Lifenews.com article “Do You See What I See? Christmas Reminds Pro-Life People Unborn Have Value.”

“…Jesus healed out of a deep well of empathy and compassion. He restored many whose bodies, hearts, and souls were weighed down with terrible physical and emotional burdens. But he was also teaching us a timeless lesson: unless we are willing to open our eyes, we, too, will be blind to the hurting around us.

While it is not my intention to idealize pro-lifers, it would be false modesty to ignore that they demonstrate a tremendous capacity to truly ‘see’ what others either cannot, or choose not, to see. It is no accident that pro-lifers defend unborn babies. Love and concern for the downtrodden, the dispossessed, and the marginalized is what gives their lives a rich unity of purpose.

The great hope of the pro-life movement is that despite our nation's descents into inhumanity and indifference, the self-image of Americans is deservedly of a good people, blessed in a unique way. And it is because Americans are fundamentally decent people that the significance of the debate over partial-birth abortion cannot be exaggerated…”

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