Sent in by sidewalk counselor Rebecca Thompson
Wed., Nov. 25, 2009
Kenneth Scott & I were on the sidewalk and a woman drove in to the parking lot. She came over and was there for "a sonogram", but was encouraged to go to Birth Choice instead. On the walk over, she was distraught... lots of stuff on her plate. Dee (first time to counsel at Birth Choice) talked with her, loaded her down with stuff, contacts, (including Dr. B.) and directions to W.Rose for the sonogram. Mary Burner waited for Katalina at White Rose.... which took awhile. No one was sure if Katalina had abandoned considering abortion. But she saw the sonogram. Sonogram shows she is about 14.5 weeks. She is scheduled to come back in 3 weeks. I saw Katalina as she was coming out of W. Rose. She was so happy and said, "I've done everything, listened to everyone, watched the videos. I am hoping this is a girl." She was crying "happy tears" and so grateful... so very grateful.
Sent in by sidewalk counselor Rebecca Thompson
Fri., Nov. 27, 2009
There has been a save each day at Robinson's this week (except for when closed Thanksgiving Day)!!
Today a woman and her sister went into the clinic. One sister Dolores came out and was encouraged to go back in and bring her pregnant sister Carol over to Birth Choice... if only to find out what her options are for assistance and services for free. Dolores did that, i.e. went back in and talked to her pregnant sister about going over to Birth Choice!
They both came out after a relatively short time. Lauren Muzyka walked with them over to Birth Choice.
Carol is excited about this new baby and her sister was just glowing! She saved this little niece or nephew's life!
All SWC's and Prayer Support rejoiced... as (did and is) the Heavenly Witness.
We give thanks to Almighty Holy God!
Click the image to watch footage. Read the article here.
Click the image to watch footage. Read the article here.
Words from our Executive Director Karen Garnett:
Since the original story ran, we were able to confirm that one more mother turned away from the facility yesterday. We praise God that THREE babies and mothers were spared the tragedy of abortion yesterday!
Note that in the live news story, Jason said that two pregnancies (we had said "babies' lives") had been "saved" yesterday. Thank you, Jason -- we are definitely trying to save as many babies from death and help as many mothers as possible! The online version of the story was edited on to "preventing two abortions." CPLC sidewalk counselors seek to dialogue with women approaching for abortions, but do not take any actions to "prevent" (block, keep) them from entering an abortion facility.
Please consider sending an e-mail to Jason Whitely at to thank him for reporting the story, including the staggering number of children killed in Curtis Boyd's practice, and for mentioning the 4:30 p.m. Memorial Prayer Service at Fairmount this Saturday.
It is our sincere prayer that consciences will be awakened as the truth is revealed, and more people than ever before will pray and work harder than ever before to bring an end to this grievous crime against humanity, the daily mass killing of unborn children in the American abortion holocaust.
© 2007 Catholic Pro-Life Committee of North Texas. All rights reserved.