Pro-Life profile: Rev. Walter Hoye
Rev. Walter Hoye has been arrested in California for counseling women, praying and holding signs in front of an abortion clinic—all things we do here at the CPCL through our Convert-to-Life ministry. These are also First Amendments freedoms we enjoy and will be taking advantage of when the 40 Days for Life campaign kicks off in September here in Dallas and across the country.

Celebrate Life Magazine has a great 3-page spread on him, The Persecution of Rev. Walter Hoye, in their July-August 2009 issue. You can subscribe to the magazine here if you want to read the whole thing. Here are some excerpts.

Rev. Walter B. Hoye II is a pro-life Baptist pastor in Berkeley, California, who feels a special calling to reach out to his fellow African-Americans to end the genocide-by-abortion taking place in their communities. In 2006, he began going weekly to Family Planning Specialists, an Oakland abortion business. There he would stand outside, offering pro-life literature and attempting to converse with abortion-minded women by asking, “May I talk with you about alternatives to the clinic?” His demeanor was unfailingly friendly and low-key.

Hoye’s presence enraged clinic management, who them enlisted the help of Oakland City Council members to enact, on December 18, 2007, a “Mother, may I?” bubble zone ordinance applicable within a 100-foot radius of any Oakland abortion business.

What does “bubble-zone” ordinance mean?

This law makes it a crime to approach within eight feet of any person seeking to enter the abortion facility in order to:
· offer literature
· display a sign
· engage in oral protest, education or counseling without that person’s consent

Watch Rev. Hoye’s supporters stick up for him during the March trial.

Inside the jail, Hoye fasted, led Bible studies and won six men to Christ. Outside, numerous people began praying and sidewalk counseling, for the first time, at Family Planning Specialists. The April 8 Contra Costa Times reported.
I love this. Even in jail, this man is not a victim sitting cursing his accusers. He’s still spreading a message of love and hope in a place with bars and despair.

[Hoye] went free Tuesday with a wider, louder network of anti-abortion supporters than before he went to trial…Now…his backers said the city’s year-old “bubble law” …has backfired. “They would have been in a better position if they would have left him alone. They picked on one man on one street, one day a week trying to reach one woman at a time with one sign for one hour,” said Dion Evans, pastor of Alameda’s Chosen Vessels Christian Church. “Now a mobilization has come together because they’ve created an unjust law. People like myself who havebeen cheerleading are not on the sidelines anyone. We’re now in the game.”

My favorite quote is the last bolded one. Evans is so right. There was a time for “cheerleading,” but now it’s time for those of us who know better to get in the game.
The law Hoye is breaking is there to prevent right-to-lifist terrorism.

I wonder how Hoye's perspective would change if HE had to live behind guarded gates and bullet-proof glass.

Someone should shoot Hoye in the face in his church.

AICH TEE TEE PEA://operationcounterstrike.blogspot.com

Blogger Marisa Alvarado said...
Hi OperationCounterstrike,
It's good to know you've taken the time to read our blog and let us know what you think.

Actually, it’s your right as an American citizen to voice your opinion (regardless of who disagrees with you and on what level), like you’ve done on your blog and on this blog comments. No one is telling you that you should be shot in the face at your church or Wal-Mart or wherever you go frequently.

Why then, is this man and me and anyone else not allowed to voice their opinion without being threatened with violence?

If you are so pro-choice as your blog supposes, why isn’t Hoye allowed to present these women with a choice other than abortion? Or is abortion the only choice now?

I’d really like to know what you think if you can articulate a reply that has more to do with facts and common sense and less to do with violent outbursts and misdirected accusations.

Till next time,

Marisa Alvarado, the reason you should not be allowed to voice your opinion is that you are a MURDERERESS. You should be executed.

Right-to-Lifism is murder and all right-to-lifers are murderers. Swear it, believe it, proclaim it, and ACT ON IT.

Oops, that should be "MURDERESS".

OK, now I'll ask you one: why should right-to-lifers get to live more safely than the abortion docs they cause to be murdered? Why should Professor Robert P. George of Princeton, who served on George W. Cokehead-Burnout Bush's "bioethics" committee, not have to pay security costs just as high as Dr. Tiller had to pay? Why should Professor George's children get to go to school without being harassed? Why shouldn't Professor George be shot in the face in his church, as Dr. Tiller was?

I can't think of any good reason. It's time for pro-choicers to start SHARING THE PAIN with those who CAUSE THE PAIN (right-to-lifers).

On my blog, I reveal where the late terrorist Paul Hill's wife and kids go to church. Sooner or later, they will receive payback. The Supernatural Entity (or a natural entity) will send someone to do the job.

Blogger Marisa Alvarado said...
Hello again OperationCounterstrike,
I offered you a chance to have a real conversation about something that you are obviously very passionate about.

Unfortunately, you were not able to offer what I requested on both counts to:
1. use facts, not emotion to back up your stance
2. to engage in a dialogue without resulting in a violent threat

No wonder you don’t understand a man like Rev. Hoye, who uses prayer and real love and concern to fight for something he believes in. In regards to those who “cause the pain,” I suggest you look no further than your own movement when you go around pointing fingers.

I think that there a lot more like you in the pro-choice/abortion movement than Planned Parenthood and the ACLU would care to admit. Thank you for showing your true agenda, not of helping women or caring about the safety of women, but of violence and threats (and toward a woman at that.)


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