This has to be pointed out
The Fort Worth Star-Telegram interviews the head of Catholics for Free Choice, Jon O'Brien, about the Joint Statement and he says the following:

Jon O’Brien, president of Catholics for Choice, a nation pro-abortion rights group, called the bishops’ stance too heavy-handed.

"They speak with such an obsession with the issue of abortion that it makes their social commentary redundant and really out of touch with where most Catholics are," O’Brien said. "This kind of an overt letter just before an election is more likely to turn Catholics off."

So, let me get this straight. A guy from "Catholics for Free Choice" whose job is concerned with a "woman’s moral and legal right to follow her conscience in matters of sexuality and reproductive health" is complaining that the Church has an obssession with abortion?

Blogger Svetlana said...
Well, so, regardless of how true your point is . . . how do you deal with a pro-lifer whose poor witness has begun to turn people off. I have little doubt of the individual's ardency, but where we've had a luke warm response in the past we now have pretty hot tempered response against doing any pro-life work. I've been appalled at my fellow parishioners lack of perspective. It's one thing to not like a person or the way something is handled, it is another thing to turn a deaf ear to a serious moral crisis. So what do we do?

Blogger commoncents said...
Great post Jill!

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