Pro-Life Boot Camp
Total Pro-Life Immersion. And apparently, there are much more youth wanting to be immersed than we planned for.

With Youth For Life's Pro-Life Boot Camp 2007 three weeks away, we already have a waiting list, after reaching beyond our limit of 45 at the end of June. Youth from across the country are signing up and calls come into the Catholic Pro-Life Committee main office daily asking about Boot Camp. Last year, most of the 27 youth who attended registered within the two weeks prior to Boot Camp.

So what's all the excitement about?

It might have something to do with Rev. Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D. (Fr. Tad) or Steve Kellmeyer giving awesome talks, Remnant Catholic Apostolate performing or the more hands-on daily prayer at abortion centers.

A 16-year old who attended last year put it like this: "I recommend Pro-Life Boot Camp because it is a good chance to get together with people around your age with similar values and do something to defend life."

So now the question is, will those on the waiting list get to go???

The answer can easily be yes. All we need are more chaperones (who will go through a background check and safe environment training). If this is something you are considering in the slightest, e-mail jsmith (at) prolifedallas (dot) org.

In the mean time, you can learn more about Boot Camp on our CPLC website and register your youth online (warning: you might be put on a waiting list).

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