In yesterday's Dallas Morning News, there is a
letter from Dr. Abel M. Tomatis who comments on an earlier column about laws mandating that women see an ultrasound of their child before an abortion;
"You have mostly young women under 24 who are emotionally immature and lack the basic skills to make appropriate choices regarding their own health and well-being. Not exactly a ringing endorsement of someone you want raising a child for 18 years..."
His message and the title of his letter is "Don't trust these moms."
And yet, Nancy Keegan, the President of NARAL Pro-Choice America says exactly the opposite when talking about the exact same law in South Carolina that would mandate that all women going in for an abortion actually see a sonogram of their child. In being asked about the new law she
"The women of South Carolina are fully capable of asking their doctor for information they need to make private, personal medical decisions. Politicians don't belong in the examining room."
Well, which is it? Are women capable of making these kinds of decisions or not, and why is the question of whether or not a woman can decide for herself always dependent on what kind of law pro-aborts are opposing (or supporting) or point they are trying to make?
Those who support abortion are simply not interested in answering this question honestly, because to do so would lead to them having to answer other questions honestly, like when does life begin and so on.
The answer is that women can make a good decision when she has all the information about what she is about to do, which is what the law in South Carolina is trying to make happen.
Labels: Women Making Decisions