Assumption of Chastity
The Catholic Pro-Life Committee recently signed a statement calling for an "Assumption of Chastity" on Catholic college campuses. More than 50 Catholic leaders signed the statement which encouraged Catholic colleges and campuses around the nation "to conform to Church teachings on sexuality, marriage and human life."

The document notes many instances of abuse of the teaching of chastity and the influence it has on Catholic college students and outlines a few things that campuses can do to counteract this influence.

Chastity is an important concern regarding the fight to end abortion and there is a direct link between abortion and chastity. According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, "two-thirds of all abortions are among never-married women."

It's simple, really. If unmarried women and men were to practice chastity in their lives and faithfully follow out the teachings of the Catholic Church, two-thirds of all abortions would be eliminated. That's a number we can live with.


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